Can WhatsApp be a good channel for your marketing strategy? You don't know or you haven't tried it? Why? Do you think it is more expensive? But, have you already checked how long you are consulting your smartphone? When you get a WhatsApp, what do you do? Don't you look at it almost immediately?
Numbers are like cotton, they don't lie. 85% of people who receive a WhatsApp open their message within 1 minute of receiving it.
If the probability that your client will read the message is much higher than that of any other tool or channel, do you still think that it is expensive? If you still do not use this way of reaching your users, think that it is a way of wasting money.
Have I managed to get your attention? Well, it's time, then, to learn how to do marketing through WhatsApp.
1. Define goals
2. Define your strategy
3. Choose WhatsMkt software
4. Do you already have a database?
5. Be clear in your texts and image
6. Send messages segmented by schedule
7. Beware of spam!
8. Make the customer feel special
9. Analysis and Tests
10. Help build customer loyalty
That WhatsApp Marketing is really effective is not questioned. But to get the best out of this channel, you have to present the strategies that we have offered you and rest assured that you will have results in the very short term. Learning how to do WhatsApp Marketing and doing it the right way is not that difficult.
Do you have a list of contacts standing around and want to start with this strategy but you don't really know how? Contact us, we are ready to help you!